The keto diet — a delicious way to your ideal figure

All of us, especially the sex, we want you to achieve impeccably and with pride, and to wear clothes that are revealing. And most of us, it appears to be a logical plan of action, however, and if you don't die of hunger, rid of fat, they actively participate in sports. The problem with this is that it is the time to support such a mode as possible, and then, after it is completely predictable on the brink of collapse, fell £ back back is a plus. One way to get out of this vicious circle is that, while it's also going to require that you have discipline and patience, but the result will be a sustainable, lean muscle mass is not lost, and the condition of the skin enhances.

The natural fats of which form the basis of a keto diet

What is a keto diet

It's amazing, but ensure the diet was originally designed not for weight loss, and to improve the condition of children who suffer from an anti-convulsive epileptic is needed. In 1921, endocrinologist Rolling Vodit, and noticed for the first time, under the conditions of a low-carb, high-power-the liver produces the ketone of the body; in the same year, you and your therapist Russell Wilder called them to this diet in the keto diet, and I started to use it for the treatment of epilepsy, in the case of medicinal products that have not worked. In short, the medical staff noticed that the patient became more and more thin, easier, and so the keto-diet, you have received a new direction of development of the project. The most famous is now the low-carb diets such as the Atkins diet, the paleo diet and t. d -. they are the attributes of a file, for later variations of the keto diet. How does it work?

For most people, the very idea of the ingestion of fat in order to reduce the weight, it seems a paradox. To imagine a mechanism for the keto-diet, keep in mind how it works in the metabolism of a person. Carbohydrates are the primary and most accessible source of energy. In terms of the restriction on the addition of carbohydrates in the body are not able to receive energy from a fission before it was concerned and forced them to use alternative sources of energy, t. e., fats, which can be recycled in the liver as a result of the training, paraetqueridos phone — in this state it is called a paraetoz. In the opinion of many of the bemtfiziologo, the keto-diet it is not only an effective means in the struggle for a slender figure, but also that it is able to significantly improve the condition of patients with these diagnoses, such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, autism, schizophrenia, and depression.

Efficiency of the keto diet

Subject to your compliance with all the rules of a keto diet gives you good results. The number of pounds lost per week, and can range from 0, 5 to 2.5, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. The effectiveness sure a lot of girls who have failed to lose weight with the help of the other diets; keto-diet it is also very popular among both men and women, who are involved with weight training since it does not lead to the loss of lean muscle mass.

The content of protein on the keto diet helps you preserve lean muscle mass

The pros and cons of the keto diet

What has been confirmed, the scientific and the practical advantages of this mode of feeding include the following:

  1. Evidence-based drug. The state of ketosis and promotes a rapid loss of body fat mass in comparison with the other diets, for example, nishiiwai.
  2. In the absence of the sensation of being hungry, you can eat the products from the list.
  3. On the keto diet, there is not a fixed sequence of dishes you can select from, and combine, the products according to your preferences. You just need to adhere to a common formula, the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, a t. e. of 75%:20%:5%), respectively.
  4. The keto-diet does not lead to the loss of lean muscle mass. The weight goes for the account of, sub-cutaneous, and visceral fat, and not muscle.
  5. The therapeutic and preventive value in relation to diseases such as cancer, the disease is ALGeYimeRA, epilepsy, and depression. To use a keto-diet in the treatment of these conditions, consult with an expert.
  6. The low-glycemic index diet the foods allowed on it when the keto-diet, it helps to improve the condition of your skin, which is prone to the appearance of the skin.

As well as the keto-diet has a significant impact on the body, and shifting the metabolic pathway for obtaining energy, without the negative side it is also not:

  1. For a comprehensive list of indications and contra-indications (cm). at the end of the article).
  2. The diet is not balanced and, therefore, you should periodically undergo a medical examination.
  3. For the first 2 weeks your body is going to happen in the metabolic adjustment. As long as the process is completed, you may experience fatigue, nausea, and difficulty concentrating.
  4. One of the related to a state of ketosis phenomena, as the odor of acetone from the mouth, with which you can find on the keto diet.
  5. The store is very limited in the selection of low-carb products that are ready to drink it, then you will have to get some food for breakfast, lunch and snacks with you.
  6. Due to a lack in the diet of cereals, fresh fruits and most vegetables may be a problem with the intestines.

The plan for the keto diet

The berries

Table: list of allowed and prohibited products

The allowed productsThe products that you want to delete
Butter or vegetable oilFoods, fat-free
Meat, fish, seafood,The mass of all kinds of
EggsCereals, flour products
NutsFresh fruits, dried fruits,
Green vegetables, mushrooms, tomatoes, a small amount ofPotatoes and other vegetables with a high content of carbohydrates
The berry a small amount ofBeans
All-natural milk products in addition dairyCorn
A wine that is dry from the alcohol — rum, brandy, whiskey (no more glasses per day)For the beer, and all drinks that contain a mass of

The preparation of the diet and nutrition plan

The keto-diet it is a diet of low-carbohydrate high-fat intake and a moderate amount of protein. There are several varieties of this diet:

  1. The Standard keto diet involves the intake of fat, protein and carbohydrates in the proportion 75%:20%:5%.
  2. The Circular, the keto diet is based on the layout of the "5-day diet either in the keto-diet-in — 2-days altaparaOGLenodção of the board, or carb-download.
  3. Public-keto-diet includes the intake of carbs before and after your workout.
  4. Sobreteandnew the keto-diet it is similar to the pattern but with a higher proportion of protein in the diet the ratio of carbohydrate, protein, and fat is approximately 60%:35%:5%.

Keep in mind that it's only on the basis of a standard and the enzyme in the diets lie in the extensive clinical trials. Move the target, the keto diet is actively practiced BodibildeRAmi-enthusiasts, but the security has not yet been confirmed medically, and so on, we will consider only a variant on a standard keto diet.

To calculate approximately how much you need to consume protein per day, you can use a simple formula of 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of body weight. That is, if your weight is 80 kg, you should consume 80 grams of protein a day. Then, based on the ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, you get a number that tells you how much fat and carbs per day you should consume about 300 and 20 grams, respectively. You can, however, increase your consumption of carbohydrates, but no more than 50 grams per day). If, after the end of the settling-in period of about 2 weeks, you will still feel the fatigue and inability to concentrate, to try to increased to slowly increase the intake of carbohydrates by 5 grams each week. Develop a keto best diet with no problems, and gradually reducing carbohydrates in your diet, in order to make the process of adjustment to the metabolism and much as it's gentle on the body, and, therefore, increased very slowly from it. Duration of the keto diet is dependent on your well-being, and to the guidance of your personal doctor, but it to comply with such a diet, it's less than a month it has no sense, since one-half of that period, is going to adapt.

Scrambled eggs (two eggs with bacon

An example of a menu of options to choose from)

Breakfast and lunch

  1. Scrambled eggs (two eggs and bacon in the olive oil.
  2. Omelette of one egg, and three proteins with the mushrooms, spinach, and salad greens, sprinkled with feta cheese.
  3. One half of the avocado and egg was soft, and a slice of salmon and 2 tomato stew.


  1. Turkey is baked in yogurt with mushrooms, cheese, and vegetables.
  2. A piece of boiled meat or chicken with a serving of green salad, loaded with olive oil.
  3. Spinach salad with grilled shrimp (slices of salmon, chicken, or beef), cubes of cheese to choose from, sprinkled with the walnuts and cranberries to dry.


  1. Steak from salmon with grilled asparagus, baked or broccoli, polit and butter.
  2. Mediterranean salad with beans, hard boiled egg, black olives, cucumbers, feta cheese, olive oil and olive oil on the lettuce leaves.


  1. The almond-berry fruit with a hit of almond milk with cottage cheese or ricotta cheese, a handful of the favorite fresh fruit, and a dash of vanilla extract.
  2. A handful of nuts from which to choose.
  3. - Vegetable sticks (cucumber, celery) with guacamole.
  4. Balls-of-cheese-finely-shredded sharp cheese in with the yogurt, obalanya, in the chopped pistachios.

Table: the content of carbohydrates in some products

The productThe portion that contains 6g of carbohydrates
Very nice1/2 unit
Nuts30 g
Cedar nuts30 g
Coconut milk3/4 of a cup of
The coconut (pulp)1/2 cup
Almonds30 g. (23 walnut)
Cashew nuts22 g
The seeds of the sunflower1/4 cup
There was the award-winning30 g (47 pistachios)
Nuts45 g / l
Milk yogurt100 ml
Cherry1/2 cup
Strawberries2/3 of a cup of
Cranberry1/2 cup
Raspberry1/2 cup
Head1/2 cup
The cranberries1/3 of a cup of


The ginger and roasted meat

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 2 of the steaks, without the bone, and incised from the top of the strips,
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • The ginger and roasted meat
  • 1 small onion, peeled, cut into cubes
  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed
  • 2 small tomatoes, cut into small cubes
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger powder
  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar,
  • salt and ground black pepper.
  1. Place the butter in a frying pan, and brown the steaks over medium-high heat.
  2. When both of the sides well-browned, add the onion, garlic, and tomatoes.
  3. The mix in about a cup of the ginger, the salt, the pepper, and the vinegar, stir with the meat.
  4. Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook until evaporation of liquid oxygen.
  5. To serve, sprinkle some of the crystals.

Nährwerte: 370 calories, 27 grams of fat, 7 grams of carbs, 46 grams of protein.


Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 100 gr. of cured ham,
  • 4 cherry tomatoes, cut in halves,
  • 30 grams of blue cheese,
  • 2 eggs, hard-cooked,
  • 2 cups of salad with romano
  • one half of the avocado chopped into cubes
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil and apple cider vinegar,
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and dijon mustard,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the ham into small cubes and fry it in the add the olive oil in a frying pan. The eggs, cut the cheese slices into small cubes. Put all the ingredients into a salad of leaves, in the form of a strip. The mix of the components of the supply, and pour over the salad. Nährwerte: 208 calories, 8 grams of fat, 3 grams carbohydrates, 31 grams of protein.

If you choose to follow the rules of a keto diet

Be sure to Familiarize yourself with the advice of the doctors, so that they might achieve the desired result, as well as to avoid the possible side-effects.

  1. To pass the examination. This is the first one, and a must-have for the program, which should not be ignored. The keto-diet it is not suitable for people with certain illnesses.
  2. Be sure to read it carefully at the list of permissions in the products, which should, in general, to meet your culinary preferences. If you are the greatest in the world you are a fan of banana's, pasta, and potatoes from the village, it is worth to choose another system of reduction of weight, avoiding all your favorite foods right for you if you make too large of a stress, which certainly won't benefit your well-being, and mood swings.
  3. Nutrition cobb-salad
  4. Don't try to plan for the first two weeks of the diet, there are things that are important, and hand-to-hand work. Keep in mind that your body is going to change, and it's running in slow motion.
  5. Plan your time so that your it will be enough to cook it. Most of the products that are allowed on the keto-diet, it requires a cooking process, in particular in the case of having a bit of fun to your own menu.
  6. Don't forget to include in your diet-green vegetables: spinach, cucumber, celery. They do contain a little carbohydrate, but they are a source of fiber, which will ensure the normal functioning of the intestines.
  7. Drink it comes in at the least 8 glasses of pure water a day to the solution of the potential odour from the acetone and to enhance the functioning of the kidneys.
  8. Include in your diet, the quality of the coconut oil cold-pressed: this is the source of the triglyceride of medium length, which can easily be converted into ketones.
  9. Don't be afraid to salt the food, and if you want it: the salt will help to restore the electrolyte balance, which is disturbed on the keto diet.
  10. Not necessarily, take your vitamins, and complex industrial applications. Keto is a diet out of kilter, and you may not provide your body with all the substances contained in it.
  11. If you are actively involved in sports with high aerobic load, keep in mind that your running potential can be reduced, as well as the keto-diet, glycogen stores in muscle are limited.